With a few days before Christmas Eve, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
In this Summer issue of Wealth & Super Matters we’ll discuss:
- Can I Buy A Car In My SMSF?
There has been good money made for some people from selling classic cars over the past few years. Even new cars can be worth more than what was originally paid for as soon as it is taken off of the lot.
- Work Bonus Increased Balance Extended For Age Pension Recipients
The Age Pension Work Bonus is a current government incentive that allows older Australians (pensioners) to return to the workforce for part-time work, without losing part of their pension.
- NDIS Housing & Superannuation
Participants involved with the NDIS are assisted to live independently and plan out their ongoing future, including their home and living goals. The NDIS can provide support to accessing housing for these individuals, but availability is often limited due to high demand.
- Could Winning The Lottery Affect Your Pension?
Navigating the Age Pension may be one of the most stressful situations you face after retirement due to the many conditions, eligibility requirements and tests that can impact the amount you receive. What happens if you add winning the lottery as a pensioner into the mix?
And more!